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Showing: 11 - 20 of 22 Articles

Electric Love

Once upon a time there lived a ballsy young woman who decided that at 28, after living on way too much of the wrong treatment and medication with side effects for 7 years, that she would take herself off the medication and find out what in fact was causing her brain to spark at random times like a New Year’s Fireworks show. I am 45 now and if you hadn’t worked it out, I am that ballsy woman that decided to step sideways from the system. In order to embark on this self-experiment, I started a journal shortly after the …

Hide and Seek

This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™, which will run from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 2017.  Follow along! Hiding, embarrassment and isolation are things we get used to feeling and doing when we are dealing day to day with the realities of living with a sparky brain. It’s not the same for everyone though as all of us that are afflicted by epilepsy, have our own degrees of feelings surrounding these things. In my case, I let two of these things overpower me and convinced myself that hiding and being embarrassed was the best solution to adopt in order …

Where did my libido go?

  The world of dating when you have a seizure disorder can be ummm, well slightly weird, embarrassing, soul destroying, confronting, a blessing, messy, unpredictable, dangerous, infact this whole blog could be written on words to describe this experience but I’ve got more to say about the world of dating and sex so I’m going  to leave it there. Let’s face it, sex and one night stands can be awkward at the best of times even for “normal” people but when you are trying to be sexy, alluring and seductive and instead of twerking you start convulsing, it’s probably safe …

Living with a FOMO mentality

When I first showed symptoms of having an electrically compromised brain, before I even knew it was compromised or even heard of the word Epilepsy, I was living with a personality that never wanted to miss out on ANYTHING. If there was ever anything going on socially, I needed to be there!! Even if there wasn’t anything going on socially, I’d invent something and gather people together so that there miraculously WAS a party happening. My star sign is a Gemini and I have been told that I am 100% aligned with the personality traits of the twin sign. Two …

The Power of Choice

Three very powerful words coming together to create an even more powerful statement The definition of responsibility is: “the state or fact of being answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.” (1) This can be socially, energetically, mentally, health wise and sexually just to name a few. Every action or thought that stems from us we need to be accountable for. The whole look before you leap proverb is a very good illustrative of this as if you just leap into the unknown without having some intention behind it or some personal accountability, you could be leaping in to a whole pool of whoop ass to your personal wellbeing and that …

Speech at Book Launch

Many people have always mentioned to me that setting goals and having dreams are what change your life from being average to ecstatic!! I have never been much of a goal setter or a dreamer. I have just been lucky enough to stumble across incredible situations and people that interest and excite me, follow that path for a while until I realise that I need a new direction and go find something else. I have always lived by the belief that I am “looked after by the universe” and I didn’t need to work too hard to achieve greatness as …

I have a confession to make

This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™ which will run from November 1 through November 30, 2016. Follow along! I have wanted to write a book about my journey with epilepsy for over 15 years now and in my mind, it was always going to be written when I had cured myself of this dreadful brain dysfunction that was playing with my imperfectly perfect world. I kept trying new things and experimenting with a myriad of modalities external to myself like alternative therapies, pharmaceuticals, counselling and diet, all for the end result which was going to be my …

CrowdFund Social – one part of an alleged big internet scam?! – Buyer Beware

Crowd funding is such a vulnerable experience. I have only ever done one to date and so I can only talk on that but I see that people go back for more and more projects to be funded. I would think that the initial vulnerability when you start your campaign, of feeling like you can’t succeed without people’s generosity and vision, never really goes away no matter how many campaigns you do. It was a really exciting nerve wrenching time for me because I’d just finished Electro Girl, my autobiography, but I hadn’t anticipated things to cost so much before …

Wow…I wrote a book!

Many people have always mentioned to me that setting goals and having dreams are what change your life from being average to ecstatic!! I have never been much of a goal setter or a dreamer, I have just been lucky enough to stumble across things that interest me for the present moment, then follow that path for a while until I realise that I am helping someone else live their goals and that something is missing for me. I always maintained that I was “looked after by the universe” and “I don’t need to set goals”. This in turn became …