Sharon is a full time academic, part time comedian, terrible cricket player and a fan of big Barossa reds. This all means, she likes thinking, tinkering and drinking. What she doesn’t like is writing bios. Our interview is based around the 23 years it took Sharon to get off Anti depressants. She tried a few times to do it more hastily (over 3 months), which ended up being unsuccessful and meant she needed to get back on them again as the effects of the withdrawals were causing all sorts of issues for her. A good insight into the importance of giving yourself …
As a 33 year radio broadcaster, Kim Curry was forced into retirement after a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis at age 50. We discuss his life before, when he was a radio presenter and the crazy things he got up to during that time. During the diagnosis, as in, what the symptoms where that led him to see a doctor and then about the lesions that started forming on his brain, the myelin disintegrating and how Vitamin D changed his world. And finally, current day conversations about his book, the lifestyle choices he makes to prolong the MS taking over and …
In this episode I talk with the inspirational Kimberly Clark, a Navy veteran who used her biggest obstacles to find opportunities for empowerment and recovery. Kimberly talks about her horrific childhood and military sexual trauma experiences, her battles with addiction, and her road to recovery that made her an inspiration to those going through similar difficulties. Because of her dedication to her own recovery, Kimberly has learned about the therapeutic benefits of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and the job of a peer support specialist, where she uses her personal experiences to help other veterans get well. Her writing and speaking engagements as …
Joshua Shea is a pornography addiction expert, certified betrayal trauma coach, therapeutic disclosure specialist and the author of four books about pornography addiction, including I’m Reading This Book About Porn Addiction For a Friend (2022). Since 2018, Joshua has given more interviews about pornography addiction and betrayal trauma than anybody in the world. To date, he has internationally appeared on nearly 400 podcasts, television and radio shows using his wealth of research and personal story to promote the ideas that porn addiction spans all demographics and those with a problem should seek help before it’s too late. He also speaks …
Amy Behimer is a multiple sclerosis warrior, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, leader, pharmacist, and coach.   She uses her unique first hand experience, education, and training to help others shift from managing their autoimmune disease to creating autoimmune health using the thing that she credits for helping her LOVE HER DIAGNOSIS.  Coaching! As a doctor of pharmacy and certified health coach with expertise in functional medicine, habit change, and autoimmunity, she creates a space for those wanting to find the synergy between conventional and lifestyle medicine.  Amy offers online courses, group coaching memberships, and one-on-one coaching services. Links to share: …
Dale Allen-Rowse and I unpack parts of his journey living with generalised Dystonia. We get to know Dale and really get an understanding of what Dystonia is, which is essentially part of the Tourette’s family. Below is a little excerpt from Dale: “Do you know what it’s like to be a teen and have to run for your life to avoid being put into Conversion Therapy? I do. Do you know what it’s like to show up at your baptist minister father’s funeral and be told that the reason he’s dead is because of you? I do. Do you know …
Heather Hausenblas, PhD, believes we can have healthy and happy lives through simple wellness habits. She’s a health psychology expert, international award-winning scientist, public speaker, and best-selling author. Her research focuses on how our health habits effect our well-being. Heather has published 7 books and over 100 scientific articles. She has appeared on radio shows and podcasts and her work has been featured in magazines such as SELF, Real Simple, Women’s World, O The Oprah Magazine, and dozens more as well as in news publications such as The Times London and The Chicago Tribune. Even with her vast education on …
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is quite a common experience for many people and yet it is very difficult to diagnose as it is a “syndrome” not necessarily a diagnosis. Pete talks to me about his situation and how he went from being unable to be diagnosed for many years to finding out for himself how to manage and work with reducing the crippling fatigue that he was experiencing. Pete currently lives in Tasmania and works internationally as a professional dowser/geomancer, healer, and life’s/ consciousness coach. He is both a reiki and seichem master and practices qigong, martial arts and many of …
Karese is a Registered Dental Hygienist and Myofunctional Therapist. She founded The Myo Spot, a practice aimed at amplifying oral wellness to whole body wellness. Through tele-therapy she helps clients of all ages overcome tongue ties, TMJ disorders, sleep apnea, grinding, anxiety, and various breathing and orofacial dysfunction. Passionate about education and self-help, she published Accomplished: How to Sleep Better, Eliminate Burnout and Execute Goals. When not working with clients globally she spends time with her husband and four kids. We unpack how her four kids were misdiagnosed with other conditions when the real issue was how they were sleeping …
Miles is a filmmaker with lifelong epilepsy. He is a board member on two epilepsy foundations and has long fought for the use of cinema to end stigma. His recent epilepsy film Under the Lights played film festivals internationally and started conversations on representation with the public. He is developing and raising money to make the feature film, which he believes could be the most far reaching awareness effort ever done. Under the Lights is the story of Sam, a boy with epilepsy, so desperate to feel like a normal kid, he goes to prom knowing that the lights will …
What a bloody legend Carlson is! Quite late into the diagnostic realm of having epilepsy at age 33 and 5 years later, even though he is still working it all out, he has leapt into the music scene and is now advocating for epilepsy through spoken word, with electronic music in the background. What started as just shouting his frustration into a voice recorder about his diagnosis has now taken the music scene by storm. So grateful to have someone like him dispelling myths, taking risks and educating through art and music. Check him out here: If …
I was pretty excited to speak with Rob aka Adeptus Psychonautica about his life. I came across Rob from his You Tube channels where he reviews, runs commentary, and shares observations on all things relating to the psychedelic community. This world has always interested me but I have only dabbled and been a bit cautious due to having too much fear around what my brain would do during a deep trip. Would I have a grand mal seizure? Point is, there are alot of people who run these circles where I live that don’t have the knowledge or experience or …
In this episode of Love your ‘epilepsy’ Diagnosis I talk with Laurie-Anne about her journey with Epilepsy. Laurie-Anne experiences nocturnal seizures mostly which was a foreign concept to me before we spoke. We discuss the initial diagnosis and then how medications affected her and made her worse. We then discuss how her seizures look now off all the meds, her incredible carer and how animal therapy, particularly equine therapy and having horses has really helped her manage her stress and therefore, the frequency of her seizures. If you would like to donate to the running of the podcast ad free …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Kimberly Spencer about her (self) diagnosis of Bulimia. Kimberly Spencer is an award-winning high-performance, trauma-informed coach and trainer, Amazon best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and the founder of, helping visionary leaders transform their self-limiting stories, build their empire, stand out fearlessly, and make the income and the impact they deserve. From her entrepreneurial beginnings at five selling bags of glitter-water to her neighbors, to becoming an award-winning screenwriter, certified Pilates instructor, Miss Congeniality, and six-time WEGO Health Activist Award nominee, Kimberly is proof that it’s better to make your own …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Lois Hollis about her journey with curing herself of multiple diagnosis by addressing her trauma caused by shameguilt from her abusive childhood and totally reprogramming her mind about healing herself. Lois Hollis, RN BSN REV, shifts our opinion on one of the most forbidden subjects, shame and guilt. Depression, anxiety, 30 years of migraine headaches, and pain were Lois’ life until she learned the dangers of shameguilt (not shame and guilt.) She shares her 15 years’ experience as a ShameGuilt Educator, Counselor, Filmmaker and authored 3 books to offer health …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Ginny Dent Brandt about her journey with Stage IV Her2-positive and estrogen-positive breast cancer. After five surgeries, six months of four chemotherapies, three years of chemo by mouth, and one year of immunotherapy infusions, she’s thriving. Her diagnosis initially was stage IV Her2-positive and estrogen-positive breast cancer. She was then told, it’s aggressive, and then, It appears to have spread to your lymph system and other parts of your body. The thing was, she felt great, It made no sense. Her doctor showed her the MRI, and it looked like …
Hollie Bakerboljkovac is a therapist, coach and educator with a background in natural and ancestral health, wellness, sacred space, martial arts and functional movement, conscious living and Women’s Mysteries. Her mission is to support people who know there’s more to life, to craft the best self-version so far. She is passionate about empowering people to live well; unlimited and unbound. Hollie has a respectful disregard for the status quo and mainstream culture. She promotes choice and believes in the capacity of human beings to do extraordinary things. : the holistic health conference mentioned – working 1:1 with …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Kelly Kessler about her (self)diagnosis of Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder that can have not only mental health symptoms but also long lasting physical pain for many years even after recovery. The physical side of Bulimia can take it’s toll on the body from chronically over exercising , to the effects that daily purging can do to a person’s system. Kelly leaves no stones unturned in her story about her journey. Dr. Kelly Kessler is a licensed physical therapist, wellness coach, and the founder of Optimal You Health and Wellness, …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Emmanuel Anthony about his journey with Asthma, two popped lungs, a tumour in his kidney and nearly dying eight times. Emmanuel Anthony is a researcher, writer, teacher, Inspirational speaker, Demartini Facilitator and consultant who works 1-on-1 and 1-on-many to assist human beings globally to overcome mental disorders, common challenges, achieve their goals, expand human awareness, maximise human potential, gain clarity on their mission and lead highly inspiring lives within all areas of life. He has served thousands of clients over the past 11-years and his teachings have been shared online, …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Angela Lago about her diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease. Hashimoto’s is a chronic auto immune disorder which for some reason 7x more likely in women than men. Love to know that reason but haven’t done enough research yet to find out. Angela was living life under extreme stress and was showing symptoms that were making her feel something wasn’t right.. Medicine came first and then she stumbled across research into the microbiome and the gut and brain connection. Changed her life, her diet and found pro and prebiotics and has been …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Kimberley about her diagnosis of CPTSD. CPTSD is an anxiety condition that has similar effects to PTSD When the underlying trauma is repeated and ongoing, some mental health professionals make a distinction between PTSD and the more intense, complex PTSD (C-PTSD). Due to Kimberley’s traumatic childhood, she was misdiagnosed for a while with depression and bipolar, but it was soon rectified when the diagnosis came in for CPTSD and has been treating and managing this ever since. Links to Kim’s you tube story: Links to find out more: …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Steve about his diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. After being hospitalised from a major depressive episode and potentially being diagnosed with depression, someone in the hospital realised that it was bipolar that Steve was living with, not depression. That was a life changing experience for him, as he mentions in the interview that being on anti depressants when you have bipolar can lead to a form of mania. He fells lucky to have been diagnosed correctly and has turned that diagnosis into an empowering situation to assist others. He has incredible …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Elizabeth Harris about her diagnosis of CRPS. and her son’s diagnosis of PANDAS. Elizabeth was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome, experienced hair loss, limb numbness and more. Elizabeth decided to take matters into her own hands, quit her job and dedicated her life to finding the real root of her son’s health issues.  She discovered that both herself and her son were infected by a bacteria called Mycoplasma Pneumonia and was able to follow a treatment plan to finally solve their health issues which includes antibiotic treatment and some …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Ron Frye about his diagnosis of Sarcoidosis which is a rare disease that causes inflammation to the area of the body it attacks, which happened to be his lungs. There is no known cure, and his condition is being treated like any ordinary COPD. Ron grew up on the South Side of Chicago, and was raised in a very loving family. At the age of twelve he was introduced to the most deadliest streets in the United States, and it was not long before he completely adapted. He ended up …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Christine Reed about her diagnosis of POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) Christine shares her personal journey from sedentary office worker to rugged outdoorswoman with POTS in hopes of inspiring others to see something bigger for themselves and that the things that make us different don’t have to be the things that hold us back. What is POTS? Where to find Christine: Instagram is @ruggedoutdoorswoman Website is Enjoy the insights xx If you would like to donate to the running of the podcast ad free I would be so …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Chris Wark about how, after surgery to remove some of his tumours, he cured his cancer with, diet, lifestyle and mindset changes. He is now well known to many cancer patients and has become a very passionate patient advocate today assisting thousands of people to look at the way they address cancer in their bodies. A very good listen if you are wanting to know other ways to assist your wellness journey if you have cancer. The link to his website and books is below I do everything for this …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Amber Wallace about her diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes is so much more than taking insulin, having an epi pen handy and managing your carb intake. I learnt so much listening to Amber's raw analysis of living with Diabetes and you will too. If not managed properly, it really is a matter of life or death. Enjoy the insightsxx FUN CLIPS AMBER SENT THROUGH ABOUT DIABETES : I do everything for this podcast with no financial backing why? because I think it's important to share people's stories and successes …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Belle H about her diagnosis of Stage 4 Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a common disorder that affects many women and can be joy altering due to the pain that is endured every month. The disorder is from the uterine lining growing outside of the uterus to ovaries, fallopian tubes and even intestines. OUCH!!! Belle tells her story of having options to deal with the discomfort by taking the contraceptive pill which is the first point of call for many women. This avenue didn't help her though so she sucked it up …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Cat Seddon about her diagnosis of Breast Cancer and how she was whipped off to surgery two weeks after diagnosis to remove 8 out of 24  metastasised  lymph nodes in her body. After this surgery, Cat was told that she would need to remove one breast definitely, but to be safe recommended removal of both breasts as well as chemo and radiation to stop the spread and make sure that all cancer was removed. After realising that this was all just a preventative way of addressing the spread, Cat went on …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Andi Herman about her diagnosis of Obesity and living with a relationship to food that was a tapestry of using it to self soothe, for comfort,  but also feeling the effects of shame around it as well. Andi struggled with her body image and relationship to food from a young age and that carried into adulthood. She tried a myriad of ways to stay at a healthy weight but nothing really worked for her……until she was pointed, rather awkwardly, into looking into lapband surgery. For Andi this was a success …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Kate Mckintosh about her diagnosis of treatment resistance depression, anxiety and pmdd (pre menstral dysphoric disorder) which is a really, really bad version of PMS that leaves women with severe feelings of anxiety and depression which happen cycle after cycle and generally become part of a life that can be void of joy. In this episode we unpack how Kate was existing in and outside of her diagnosis for many years. From denial and using drugs and alcohol to cope to being alcohol and drug free and finding acceptance of …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Natalie Holcroft about her diagnosis of AVM – Arterial Venous malformation at age 14 which then led her to develop Epilepsy resulting in five brain surgeries in 20 years FIVE BRAIN SURGERIES in 20 YEARS. Three for the AVM at age 14 and then two related to the epilepsy later on in life. Nat is only 36. Nat's story was particularly interesting to me as she has an outlook that "everything happens to people for a reason" and that having these brain related issues has humbled her and made her …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Geri Henderikse about her diagnosis of ADHD or as it will soon come to be known – Dopamine dysfunction which affects executive decision. I loved everything about this interview as Geri has researched this condition so much to really understand it now and is excited to find ways to make her life feel more dopamine enhanced even if that means using both eastern and western medicine. Some of her symptoms before diagnosis were: Emotional (dys)regulation, flash emotions Impulsivity (actions, money, emotional) Depressive periods (days to weeks) Rejection sensitive dysphoria  Hyperfocus …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Gael about her diagnosis of Trigeminal/Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia  Gael's symptoms  began around 2014. On a daily basis, Gael would get severe razor like spasms under the left side of her tongue which would sometimes last for weeks or months and then short periods of no symptoms. At this stage she didn't feel the need to seek medical advice. As you'll hear, she is quite a stoic, determined lady. After seeing a neurologist and discussing that his treatment to assist her was going to be  resolved by taking nerve blockers that are …
In this Episode of Love your Diagnosis, I talk with Audra about her primary diagnosis of Autism and Epilepsy. Audra has a positive outlook on these conditions she has to live with and after trialling a cocktail of medicines over her life and turning down the option of having a VNS inserted into her body, she has found a balance of managing, particularly her seizures with a mixture of Eastern and Western approaches such as: Keto Diet/High Protein Yoga Breathwork CBD It's a  highly interesting story and well worth a listen for those that are looking for ways to manage similar …
Today Briony discusses how she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and how the options she was given at the time were chemo, radiation and potentially a hysterectomy. We dive deep into steps that Briony took in ridding herself of the cancer by travelling to China and getting a treatment called Photodynamic Therapy which isn’t traditionally used for this type of cancer. To find out some ways you can look at using traditional plants as part of your wellness journey click on the link below You can get my book here which is a raw and honest dialogue of how …